This year’s Wellington Mountain Bike Club AGM will see a big change for the management of the club. Our longest standing and current President, Secretary and Events Manager, (Dave Preece, Russel Garlick and John Whale), will be standing down from their respective roles.
Dave, Russel and John leave behind a big legacy as they have been involved with all aspects of the club.
So how can you help?
For the club to exist and carry on into the future, it needs people to step up and take on the following roles at this years AGM;
The President is the principal leader of the Wellington Mountain Bike Club and has an overall responsibility to ensure the club functions are met.
The Secretary is primarily responsible for ensuring that all club members are informed of club activities. This includes taking the minutes at meetings and producing the club newsletter.
This is where the club has it’s biggest demands and is under resourced. We are seeking people to help organise and run club events throughout the year:
- Wellington Downhill Series
- Enduro events
- Regular shuttle days
The club needs more people to help organise and run these events. With more people involved, we can divvy up smaller tasks to make sure everything runs smoothly for organisers and participants.
The current committee is proposing to splitting the events role into a number of roles to reduce the workload.
The committee is seeking people to fill these new roles that will be voted on at the AGM in August. Nominations to
DH Series Event Manager(s)
This is the key contact for the DH series that we run each Spring consisting of 2-3 rounds. The club has developed templates for events covering everything from promotions, entries, to management on the day. This person would act as the coordinator for these events
Shuttle Day Coordinator(s)
Our membership loves shuttle days, and frankly we have this pretty much down pat.
The online system handles entries and registrations. What we need are people who are happy to advertise the shuttle days, book the trailers and vans, and organise drivers. This could be a single person, or done by a group. Once again all the contacts and templates are in place and are ready to be used, and improved upon if so desired.
Mt Vic Super D Event Manager
Over the last 5 years we have been working to find a suitable venue to build a new Downhill race track and race venue. We have been working with Mana Cycle Group in an effort to make this happen in Colonial Knob (Porirua). With club President Dave stepping down, we’re seeking fresh blood to pick up where he left off driving this important project.
There is a track marked out, we have World Cup talent leading the design, and we have endless offers of help to build the track. Problem being - the whole project needs to get across the line with the local council before any spade hits dirt.
A draft proposal has already been prepared, but needs revising. The project also requires earthworks to be carried out for shuttle turnaround. For this to happen, Porirua City Council requires the appropriate paperwork in order to give resource consent.
We need a Civil Engineering company to draft up the appropriate documents for the earthworks.
We then need to find the money to carry out the earthworks (est. $15-40k), and that is all before spending a cent on the track itself.
Once the proposal has been completed and submitted to Porirua City Council, the Mana Cycle Group then plan to lobby (with our help) to upgrade their park consent to allow greater vehicle access for shuttle operations. Without this, it will be simply impossible to run a national event there.
While the project lead role has been filled by Dave to date, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the President’s responsibility going forward. We’re simply looking for the most committed and capable candidate/s to drive the project as their specific role within the club.
Currently done by the Secretary, on an irregular basis. The committee currently relies heavily on Facebook for updates, but we are aware that we have a large number of members who don't use this medium. We would also like to engage with our membership on a regular basis. Would require capturing the current news from the monthly committee meeting to be shared with the membership.
Currently done by the President and Secretary. This is a new role to ensure that content on the site is current and up to date.
A new role. The current committee would like to engage more with the bike shops in the region to help promote membership and events.