Resources For Trail Leaders |
This page is targeted at the leaders of all our trail building projects.
Health And Safety
The Club has signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Wellington City Council for all trail projects on their land.
As part of these MofU, the club agrees to abide by the WCC Health and Safety procedures. This means that we must:
Health and Safety Resources
Filing Health and Safety FormsWe need to keep a copy of all H&S Induction Forms for each dig. Trail leaders can either keep a paper copy and periodically the secretary will contact you to collect these or Send it in via email (see below)
| Funding and Club Procedures
All expenses and funding applications need to be approved by the committee.
Spending Funds (Expense Claims)
The club prefers that expenses are approved in advance. This means presenting a budget, estimates or quotes to the committee for approval before any funds (club or personal) are spent.
Expense Form
If you are seeking reimbursement for a trail building expense, you must complete this form, attach all receipts and present it in person (or by proxy) at a committee meeting.
External Funding Applications
If you are applying for funds for a WMTBC project, then your application needs to be ratified by the committee.
Many funding agencies will limit how many applications they will receive from an organisation, so to avoid conflicts, your application will need to be presented to the committee. Contact the secretary to get this added to the next meetings agenda. If the application is urgent, please let us know so this can be expedited.